A one-time ‘Verification Code’ will be sent to the email address you have entered after you click on Submit

Note: this must be the email address you use to access myCBDR.


You will receive an email with the subject line ‘MyCBDR Verification Code Request’

The email message will say:

This message has been sent to verify the identity of your user account in MyCBDR. Your verification code is XXXXXX which will expire in 15 minutes. Please enter this code to verify the account and change the password.

You will be prompted to provide the verification code on the Forgotten Password page, along with the following options: 

  • Verify 
  • Resend 
  • Clear
  • Cancel

  1. If you have provided the correct verification code, the system will prompt the you to reset your password
  2. If you have provided an incorrect verification code, system will display error “The verification code does not match, please try again.”   
  3. If you have not entered anything in the verification code fields or partially entered verification code, system will display “All digits are required for verification.”   


Upon clicking ‘Resend’ button, system will resend a new code display “A message with verification code has been sent to the email address and the mobile number associated with your account. Please enter the verification code below to change the password.” 


Upon clicking ‘Clear’ button, system will clear the verification code entered


Upon clicking ‘Cancel’ button, system will cancel the password reset process and you will be directed to Forgotten Password page 


You will be prompted to reset your forgotten password. Existing MyCBDR password requirements will apply for setting the password.



Upon successfully resetting the password, a confirmation message “The password has been successfully changed.  Go to Click here to Login to go to the MyCBDR Login page.  

  • System will also unlock the account if it was locked
  • System will also enable the account if it was disabled