As a CBDR Administrator/Data Manager you have the ability to unblock MyCBDR user accounts so that you can resolve system issues quickly and avoid calling the help desk.

An enhancement has been introduced for MyCBDR users to reset their password using a verification code. If the user has entered an incorrect verification code too many times, then their user account will get blocked.

Go to MyCBDR User Details

The “Unblock Account” button should be displayed next to the edit user details button if the user has been locked out.

Click to unblock account button  

The following confirmation message should be displayed


“Are you sure you want to unblock this user's account?”


If you click on  Cancel 

Then it should return to the user details page

If you click OK 

Then the user account will be unblocked and the following successful popup message will be displayed:


“The user's account has been unblocked”