Key Points:

  • Treatment Plans should NOT be edited; a new treatment plan should be recorded each time a treatment recommendation is updated
  • A treatment plan may contain several regimens—reach regimen located in the most recent treatment regimen is visible to the patient through their MyCBDR account
  • Section A of this document provides a walk through on how to record a treatment regimen from scratch
  • Section B of this document provides instructions on how to record subsequent changes to a treatment regimen

Treatment plan: refers to each record containing one or more regimens:


Each horizontal record above represents a treatment plan. 

Treatment Regimen: refers to the individual recommendations located within each treatment plan (ex. Routine prophylaxis regimen, temporary prophylaxis regimen, bleed regimen, ITI therapy regimen)

Each horizontal record inside of a treatment plan represents a different treatment regimen. 

*NOTE: Patients can only see the regimens listed in the most recent treatment plan through their MyCBDR account 


Part A: How to enter the first treatment plan for a patient

1. Go to and login 

2. You will be directed to your personal dashboard. Select ‘Patients’ 






3. Enter an appropriate patient identifier (Family Name, Given Name, MRN, etc.) and select ‘Search’







4. Select the patient you wish to add/change a treatment plan for. Their details will appear on the left side of the screen. 





5. Select the ‘Clinical’ tab





6. Select the ‘Treatment Plan’ tab





7. Select ‘Add Treatment Plan’ 

Screenshot (456)

*NOTE: The following details are mandatory information: Treatment Plan Effective Date, and Weight






8. After filling out the mandatory information, click on the ‘Add Regimen’ drop down menu and select one of the options






9. If you select ‘Bleed’ the following inventory is mandatory: Product. Once you have finished filling out the details, click ‘Save’





10. If you select ‘Routine Prophylaxis’, the following information is mandatory: Product and Frequency. Once you have finished filling out the details, click ‘Save’





11. If you select ‘Temporary Prophylaxis’, the following information is mandatory: Product and Frequency. Once you have finished filling out the details, click ‘Save’






12. If you select ‘Immune Tolerance Therapy, the following information is mandatory: Product and Frequency.  After you have chosen Frequency you must enter the dose.  Once you have finished filling out the details, click ‘Save’

Please ensure that all regimens are included in the same treatment plan. If you create more than one treatment plan with the same date, the patient’s MyCBDR will not be able to discern the proper product for you. 






13. The different treatments will now show up in the main box. 





15. Click ‘Save’. The new treatment plan will appear on the patient’s page.

B. How to Update a Treatment Regimen

General Instructions: Please do NOT use the edit icon to update a treatment plan. Each time a treatment recommendation is changed, a new treatment plan should be created so you have record of the patient’s historical treatment regimens.

Example 1: Update a treatment recommendation when the recommended dose has changed, or the patient has switched products:

  1. Select: Add treatment plan


  1. Select Copy Previous Treatment plan


Click the edit icon in the copied treatment plan to change the dose or the product, as applicable:

  1. Enter the new dose and click save in the treatment regimen window

  1. Click save again in the treatment plan window

Example 2: Update a treatment regimen for a new product

  1. Click Add New Treatment Plan and follow the steps as if this is the first treatment plan (Part A) being entered for the patient. This will ensure you will have historical record of the patient’s previous treatment plans:

*The treatment plan highlighted in blue, at the top is the most recent treatment recommendation. This is the treatment plan that the patient can see through their MyCBDR account.

**The historical treatment regimens, in the red box above, can only be seen by clinic staff

If you have any questions, please email the Help Desk at [email protected]