We have recently added the requirement to specify laboratory reagents used to measure plasma levels of EHLs. These are requested when inputting a PK request for an EHL and go to populate automatically default reagents by concentrates for that WAPPS center.
CBDR does not prompt for a default reagent, but WAPPS is expecting it.
In your centre on WAPPS-Hemo, set the default reagent for all the products that you use and WAPPS will assign that reagent to requests provided via CBDR.
In absence of a default reagent, the reagent will be set to “Unknown” and a message like this one will be added to the WAPPS report:
If you get this message, it means there is no default specified for that concentrate.
If you want to set a default, go to Manage Factor concentrates and click the Default Reagents tab.
Click on Edit to choose the correct reagent for each product.